USI students going to FAU will need to get Insurance from the AOK student service in Erlangen-Nuernberg. To do so, students should send an email to with in cc using the following template:
Dear AOK Student Service,
My name is FirstName LastName, born in DD.MM.YYYY
I am a double-degree masters student in Computational Science and Engineering from USI Lugano and will be coming for studies in FAU Erlangen from:
Start Date: DD.MM.YYYY
End Date: DD.MM.YYYY
I need a “Bescheinigung von der Krankenkasse braucht, dass er von der Versicherungspflicht befreit ist”
I am regular master student in Switzerland and I have asked my insurance in Switzerland to fill-in the E104 form (blank form attached). I have also completed the AOK Declaration of Residence form which is attached to this email.
Could you please send me any additional document which you need from me to process my application? Once I have the signed E104 I will send all documents back to you.
Thank you,
FristName LastName
To this email you should attach the blank E104 form (available here). You must send this E104 form to your health insurance in Switzerland to be completed. Once the document is completed you can send it back to the AOK service. In addition you should attach to the email the completed AOK Declaration of Residence form (available here).